Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Well, I am here at Bellemaison, in The 'Kan EWA, and when I woke up this morning, I thought I was in Paris. But I knew something was terribly wrong, because it was so quiet. The weather here is just about the same as in Paris but the dogs here are much finer. (Peet told me to say that, as I owed him something for being gone so darn much lately.) I am suffering from jet lag, as always, but it dawns on me that that particular kind of jet lag that I go though is psychological/emtional as much as anything else. I'm here and then...I am there. But yet, it's the reverse. I was there...and now I'm here. And I occupy a place in each natural, ordered world. I'm sure Dostoyevsky or Aquinas would have much, maybe something, to say about that but at the moment, it doesn't much matter. I am here, surrounded by the things I love and that love me. And there's nothing confusing about that.

The 'Kan EWA

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