June 26, 2005 was the day my life changed again. I wrote my first blog entry.
I do remember wanting my children to have some definitive memory of me, as my own memories of my mother were slipping away. And I couldn't remember how she looked sometimes or what she said about some
And it has been sooo much fun. People have popped up from everywhere to say hi and the Chows have worn a path to the virtual gate, to bark and check things out. I have said important things to my children, expressed deep felt longings, traded recipes, extolled the beauty that's everywhere and clarified and crystallized what makes my life valuable to me. Where in the world could you get a similar opportunity? for free?

If I had to name one thing that I was not prepared for when I began writing a blog, it would be the blogworld's reception of anonymity. I write anonymously because it suits me. It's all about me, remember? And to those who knew me before I wrote Notes From The 'Kan EWA, I am anything but anonymous. I am many things, but I am not hard to find or unavailable. So it's hard for me, really hard some days, to understand why the blog world can't accept JBelle at face value. I don't understand why people have to

Some people, and you'll recognize yourself immediately, have to have your phone number to call you up and continue the dialog. I bet by now, you 've already guessed that I do not like, do not prefer to use and do not feel comfortable on the telephone. Except with a very, very few. Not even the Chows call me on the phone. I do not regret having traded phone numbers with exactly three people who read my blog that I didn't know on June 26, 2005 but I still freeze when it comes up. And it comes up quite often. I just don't give my phone number out. I don't do it. Why is it important to jump on the telephone when our acquaintance was made in the blogworld?

My impression with all these people, and I suspect they are very, very nice people, is that they aren't smitten with JBelle or even the idea of JBelle, they are frantic with an anonymous presence. Like with instant gratification, they absolutely must know it, must have it, must comment with their take on it. NOW. Because lingering anywhere over anything is ... ! well, oh my. It's simply not done. Only thing worse in the blog world than lingering is something, wait for it, unknown. There is no time nor patience for lingering or for not knowing in the blogworld. Problem with all their efforts is this: they scare me. People have gone to the cemetery trying to find out who I am. They visit the hairdresser, making inquiries. They dig deep into public data bases to figure out the mystery of JBelle. They p

They drive me deeper into the

So I have a life that fills me and that reblesses me each and every day. In another irony, I am highly adventurous. But not with intimacy. Intimacy you take, not one step at a time, but one brick at a time. You build it. Over time. With trust. And faith. You cement it with shared hopes, disappointments, pain, joy and grief. And you never, ever, ever violate the implicit covenants of your relationships and friendships by putting your need-to-knows first, before the well being of your experiences and life together. You just don't do it.
So today I salute and celebrate Google and Blogger. Thanks for doing this. Thanks for having

~for Bob. Always.
The 'Kan EWA
The 'Kan EWA
You never have to show up at our house, but you're always welcome. You know that.
Still, this makes me wonder. So many people wanted your cell number. Why? They never asked for mine. Ever. Nobody wants my number. Nobody asks about coming over. I have to ask myself...what's wrong with me?
You are the master of mystique I suppose. People love mystery. I guess I'm a mystery people are willing to let remain a mystery...out of fear? Probably.
One question though...how's manito doing with all this cold? Are the Duncan Gardens blooming, or are they behind? Phil and his brood are considering coming for a look...and since you regularly patrol that area incognito, I thought you might have an idea what's going on there.
Was just at Manito shooting pictures on Wednesday. The perennnial garden is lovely and the roses are not yet in bloom. That's about right for roses. There's much to see at Manito in early summer!
You have quite a following with your blog. You should be happy. I've run into a problem where folks will tell me that they would rather send Instant Messages instead of read my blog. That in itself would be OK but they want to do this when I'm at work and the boss is looking over my shoulder. Or they complain that I don't email enough, or call enough or am active enough to suit them.
As far at Internet friends, I'm still very cautious about this and approach folks with pee pee steps. I'm will to help anyone who asks for advise (gardening), but am leery about giving out phone numbers, address and what.
With the cost of living increasing so rapidly, and the price of fuel, I'm personally less apt to travel and don't expect anyone else to. You are always welcome here if you want to stop by, but I don't expect anyone to really want to. Like Toadman says, I guess I just don't have the mystery. Maybe it's for the best.
Ah, Jules. I still am going to make it to your house. Your state is one of my favorites and I would like to spend more time there, seeing the countryside, the historic sights and the gardens. I cannot wait to see yours. You are one who can attest to the fact that I do have friends I made on the internet and I do travel with and see friends I make on the internet. Hey are you having the garden party this year?
H'lo Cheechako...and happy anniversary, friend.
jbelle, I've been having minute parties and am planning on mostly that this year. By minute parties, I mean having a small group of couple over at a time. Things have gotten ahead of me here and I'm finding smaller dinner parties are good for now. Besides, I have a big birthday party and father's day today and tomorrow to go to, a wedding reception in August that is huge, another large anniversary party to go to next weekend...see what I mean?
However, I might consider a large party for either September or October (my birthday month)if you want to come. I'm not sure how many of the old group I could get here but it's something to think about.
There is a lot of history here, barn raisings, wildflower preserves, hydroplants nearby, fishing, history, Amish, history, country stores to investigate, eagles and what have you. If you want to visit, just let me know and we can plan from there. I'd be honored to have you as a guest.
I have loved your blob since the first day I found you via bloody bob's.... Ive breathed in every single word you have ever typed even what the Chows have typed.... you have inspired me on so many levels in life and have helped me in untold ways.... and through your blob I have traveled the world with your adventures and your beautiful descriptions of unknown places....
It dont seem a years since reading your blob on your 2nd anniversary, what a fast year thats just gone by.....
Ive loved the few times we have spoken on the phone.... it just seemed 'right'....
((((JBelle))) keep on blobbing and taking me to magical places in travel and in mind.....
ps.... today I hugged two beautiful chows that live opposite me best matie.... huge big teddies lol they almost knocked me over with there excitement...... I almost thought you would walk out the house where they lived, but skanky ol Dot did LMFAO..... oxo
I look forward to the recipes, the travel posts, and the words of love you show for gardening, family,dogs, and north Idaho. I always enjoy stopping by.
Not anon to me...
For which I thank you.
There have been many oh so lovely posts and comments here. I only wish I could keep up.
No, thank YOU! really. I owe ya.
Peace, always, be with you, my dear. And also with you.
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