Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oh, I agree. An update is in order. Because it's all about me! I know you are dying to know what's been going on.

Summer. That's been going on. One of my friends, EMiss, was tittering at me when I was telling her about the garden, saying, It's the most beautiful it's ever been. She snickered, you. you! you say that everrrrry year.

Do I now? Well then; that's because it's TRUE. The garden was/is fabulous. At the moment, it's in summer dormancy. Summer dormancy is that period of time it lays back and regroups for the big early fall showing. Like between the Sunday matinee and the Sunday evening curtain? right. Like that. But me being me, you know it's now that the show is over and lights are down low that I love to love my garden. The roses have quit blooming, the lilacs and the rhododendrons are well done for the year and the light colored perennials have all wilted in the Leonine heat. It's in August that I watch, honestly? for hours, everyone, anyone who wants to come to my garden and eat. The birds have hatched, nursed and evacuated those babies so they delight in bathing and sampling anything and everything; the squirrels continue their summer solstice gorge; razorbacks!; the dragonflies patrol for aphids; the bees noisily slurp the water and greedily attack the nectar; butterflies by the hundreds nibble bronze fennel; the neighborhood cats come and nosh on catnip until they are quite drunk; everybody indulges with abandon at Bellemaison this time of year. And I just love that. It took me five years to get rid of the chemicals that had been previously in use here and ten years to plant a plethora of things including berries, vines, blossoms, herbs, hips, roots, leaves and stems that everyone would love to love but I got it done. So now they have plenty to eat and nothing will harm them here, except for their natural predators.

I finally have what I wanted to be in the garden at Bellemaison and Saturday mornings are an orgy, a love fest, between me and those who love my garden too. We feed each other.

ohhh, the pleasure between lovers.

The 'Kan EWA


MarmiteToasty said...

Sounds quite delightful :) - we have had no summer here again this year, thats two years on the trot, just the odd sunny day, I think we did have 3 sunny days in a row last week.......

So everything is compounded cos of not being able to sit in me garden and re-coup....... its a sign, cos thats last year and this year in the same situation....

So, I close my eyes and pretend Im in your summer and in your garden and am soaking up the warmth of your sunshine..... cos it sure as hell aint bloody summer here.....


Bent said...


Christy Woolum said...

Lovely post. I do have to say when I returned home my gardens were a surprise... roses even blooming again. Sixty pounds of tomatoes were waiting. Salsa canning tomorrow!

Christy Woolum said...

Oh... the sunflower picture on the header is truly another winner.