Friday, April 10, 2009

It's a full moon again. The Egg Moon. The sun is shining this month and the snow that stopped by late last fall and settled in for months and months, is finally gone. Carol called from Florida and it's warm and happy there, everyone in the throes of Easter with flip flops, light, bright tank tops and short skirts.

I'm going to try to photo the moon tonight as my Easter celebration. Besides going to mass. Angela seemed to think I would be relieved or reassured she's going to mass but it doesn't matter really. She, like me, has got to find the things that make her happy and then do them in an effort to feed her soul.

Maria my housekeeper just walked through the door with a loaf of bread she made me for Easter. Shaped like a big, big cupcake and frosted in white with sprinkles. Gave me a jar of blueberry jam, too. She says that's what their family used to eat on Easter morning in Russia. She feeds my soul with her devotion to her family. And to me.

I got out my mother's big white, ceramic bunny that she always put out for Easter. She loved that thing! I wrapped it up and will give it to my brother. It's been 13 years and I have never figured out how to have it in my house without getting sad. Gotta feed your soul with things that nourish you.

We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.

The 'Kan EWA


The Fool said...

As always, Happy Easter, Cheechako...24/7.

As an aside...I'm having a contest to give away some Mt. ReDoubt ash (just doing my part to clean up the mess). Two ways to win...hop on over for the details. ;)

MarmiteToasty said...

Happy Easter JBelle..... I know you 'do' easter, so have a lovely one...... me, well, I 'do' the chocolate LOL


Christy Woolum said...

I remember that quote the first time I read an Easter post of yours. I will go out and gaze at the Easter Egg moon hoping the clouds have moved on. I was blessed with spring flowers today that arose from the long dormant ground so with that I celebrate.