Saturday, July 26, 2008

My buddy Raymond Pert has quite a piece up at his place. (Editor's Note: scroll down to Sunday Scribbling: Solace) Now Raymond is a guy I don't know, have never met and don't have much in common with--except that we both grew up in North Idaho at the same time. He from a different community than me but yet we share enough similar vignettes of childhood that when he talks, I can hear the truth. I hear the truth of my childhood and how I grew up and about the people that were there and how it tasted, smelled and sounded. I never miss his blog and do miss his blog when he's not around because it's authentic. Raymond is authentic and not always funny, philosophical, contemplative, nor positive. But he is authentic and does a damned fine job of being authentic. This is a piece I did early on in my blogging tenure and it speaks to our cultural heritage as children of North Idaho. Do NOT neglect to click on the picture to enlarge it. The real beauty is in the details.

Enjoy. And please don't be afraid to come back.

The 'Kan EWA


Christy Woolum said...

You are right about Raymond Pert being authentic. He instilled that idea in all of us at the writing retreat in June. I am a bit more reserved still in my daily writing. I believe that you and RPert do have more in common than growing up in north Idaho. All I can draw on is what I have read here,but what I gather is you both have a loyalty to family, and appreciate beauty around you and love to capture it in photos. You both have a high work ethic and find Marmite Toasty very funny, delightful, and just plain smashing!! This was a fine post.

raymond pert said...

JBelle, Thank you for expressing such praise about my writing. I'm especially gratified by your response to "Peace". The poem means a lot to me and I genuinely love it when others enjoy it. You and what you wrote in this post are my #1 Beautiful Thing for July 26. You can read more of my high regard for you at my blog. Blessings to you.

MarmiteToasty said...

Ok, Im sold on North Idaho lol now go find me a little house in a clearing in the woods, room for me and me chickens and me books and me shelves of me mind.....

Those blokes in the photo look bloody scarey to me lol....

And yep, I to find MrP to be authentic or different as us commoners might say..... its good to be different, it comes naturally to some lol....

Kicking Inland on me way out, lol@smashing...


Carla said...

Thanks for the links. I definitely look forward to checking them out. There is something spectacularly magical about memories of childhood.

JBelle said...

Carla, Go read what he writes about disappointment, frustration and pain. It's in the vernacular of the loggers and miners that are our people yet it profound and complete. His latest about of disappointment over a reemerging health issue perfectly sets the stage for a reread of his magnificent poem.

JBelle said...

Mel, American commoners say 'authentic'; kind of like that tomato thing we discussed the other day? :) One thing about North Idaho, we can find you a LOT of skulls. hahaha!

MarmiteToasty said...

If I was speaking proper I would of said 'oar fen tic'

I loves me some skulls lol

