Thursday, July 24, 2008

JBelle/Notes From The 'Kan EWA Hollyhocks

The 'Kan EWA


MarmiteToasty said...

Is that a Hibiscus? I have a little blue and a pink Hibiscus shrubb in me little garden.... when we (X and I -spit-) way back when I was first preggers with my first son, had a holiday doing the greek islands, we would sit under a HUGE hibiscus tree and have breakfast....

Of course your photo might not be of one of those anyways LOL


Julie said...

jbelle, I love that RED hollyhock! Mine are wild and are yellow, pink and a combination of both (salmon). I love, love, love yours!

Carla said...

I was going to take a picture of my Hollyhocks yesterday. Yours is stunning. Love the colour.

JBelle said...

This is one of the most beautiful hollyhocks I have ever seen. Ever! Unfortunately, I don't grow it. I found it growing in the garden at St.-Paul Clinique, where Van Gogh had himself committed himself when he became quite ill. He painted prolifically during the time he was there, more than a painting a day. The landscape is harsh, unforgiving, exquisitely beautiful. And you see utterly stunning things with seemingly no context. Like this hollyhock. It was packed with pollen and I was happy that the lens picked up at least some of it. It was a beautiful day, that day; full of beautiful, stimulating, haunting images.

JBelle said...

Mel, Hollyhock is in the hibiscus family; I grow rose of sharon here,same family, because it winters. Dont' forget our famous winters.

Christy Woolum said...

All my hollyhocks changed this weird dark, dirty purple color... go figure. I think I will yank them out.... yes, I also love Rose of Sharon.

thailandchani said...

Wowza~ Palooza~ This site is *gorgeous! :)

JBelle said...

hi Chani! Thanks for coming! I'm so glad to see you.

Kendra said...

Tell me that's not your window up top, where the header of your blog is. I would KILL for a view like that! (wait, hope my soon-to-be-ex-probation officer didn't just read that!)
Anyway, gorgeous bloomage. Utterly gorgeous.

JBelle said...

Kendra! hey! that IS one of my kitchen windows and that is the garden right by Club Chow, the kingdom of that sovereignty known as The Chow Nation. (I really do crack myself up). Glad GLAD to see you here and hope, as I write, that the gig on Coeur d'Alene Ave is going smooth. Loved the part about mending/making strong relationships with the family.

MarmiteToasty said...

I had a disagreement with me twat neighbour yesterday over a hollyhock and a dandilion...

I tried to ring ya last night, it was about 2.30am my time, it just kept on ringing, then I realised it was Friday night there and ya was probably out for dinner somewhere....

I sent a couple of emails BUT they keep coming back as address unknown......

Maybe I will tell the tale of the hollyhock and the dandilion one day....


JBelle said...

ohhh no! Tell us the tale of the Dandelion and the Hollyhock. We wanna hear it! You know I tell people here that I have a wild Brit that hangs around here so most everybody is expecting you to break out in frenzied abandonment just any time.
