The Holy Cow! Tour
India 2008
So we go over to the Jains to see their temple, which is exquisite. Just yuuummy. It is laced and bound with icons that stimulate and inspire me. It is a riot of fruit sherbet colors. One thing that's
The thing I love about the Jain temple is the soft, but vibrant hues that melt into each other. But I guess I mentioned the fruit sherbet, didn't I? I love this temple because there are acts of devotion everywhere, most of which I do not understand. But you don't need the is dotted and the ts crossed when the air is thick with love and true beauty.
They didn't teach us about Hindus at Central School in the Lake City, heck we didn't even speak of Jews , and that's one of the many things about a Jesuit education for which I am grateful and that made me determined to set Jesuit education as an incontrovertible value at Bellemaison. The Jesuits talk about them all and you are free to examine any of them closely. So I am so happy that the time has come for me and the Hindus. I've been waiting to know; I am just going to love this! And the Jain temple fills me with light and love, reassurance and hope so I realize
The Maharani Jabel
On Location
Bombay, India
I've always found Hindu mysticism intriguing. Have you ever listened to the repetitive and worshipful nature of a full length Raga? It's trance inducing, and fascinating both musically, and spiritually.
I love the Hindu people for other stuff too...they make some awesome food. Where's my curry woman!?
The pictures of the temple are spectacular... and we didn't learn any of that at Sunnyside School in Kellogg either.
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