Went out to Home Depot in the Spokane Valley last weekend. A quintessential shopping experience always. On the way, you go through quite a few neighborhoods that are all ready for Easter. These are some of the better Easter statements around town. Country Club, bah.
The 'Kan EWA
I don't think anyone does Easter displays up here. I'm surprised at the commercial decorations. Times change...the commoditization of all holidays seems inevitable. I keep a calender of my own holidays. I'll drink to the others...any reason for a party...but I keep my own.
I like the rabbits on the ladder...are they preparing to go down the chimney? Or sneaking in the windows to hide the beans?
These rabbits cracked me up! In Italy, at Christmas, there was a Santa climbing over all the walls and balconies in exactly the same move. That I get: city living, lots of balconies. But these rabbits....I will post the Santa picture for comparison in a few days. Mostly, I posted that picture to make my children laugh. Hell, they're too busy to read their mother's blog apparently. "I'm so busy!" "I'm so busy!"
btw, there is a ton of Easter decorating here. Lots of Easter trees and large lawn displays. We do thousands of bright flowers that we rip out in May. No bunnies or eggs or carrots at all. (that'd be cool, though, wouldn't it? big carrot field in front of the house???) Then we put in geraniums.
Cripes, Ive never seen Easter decorations before...... no wonder doodles have cellars, its to keep all the seasonal holiday decorations in lol........ this is the first week of a 2 week school easter break here, this week Im working, well 4 days this week and then I get next week off to do things with just me lads..... just hoping the weather is gonna be as good as what its been this week.......
Still shaking me head at those easter decorations lol
OMG, JBelle, I have an most life size father christmas climbing up a rope ladder that I hang out of me bedroom window :), from inside my bedroom one can see his face, complete with his glasses peering into me room, many a time he has scared the living daylights out of me when Ive pulled me curtains open lol xxxxxxx
Mel! This is the guy! I didn't see any in London--they are probably too posh for that type of thing but I saw F/Christmas ALL over Italy, from the slums of Napoli to the villas of Tuscany. fabulous.
When I was touring around Spokane Friday with my siblings, we saw a great Easter display coming down Freya Hill. It was a Easter Egg tree. Now we wished we would have stopped for a picture!
I know the one you mean, IE Girl. Go past it several times a week!
I so remember those little climbing Santas...at first I found them annoying, but after awhile, they grow on you. Not too many Easter displays around here, although I did drive by one this morning. Pity I didn't have my camera.
I am amazed JBelle...I like the carrot field noton. Makes the Fool want to come up something for the yard...heh heh For what I have in mind, I might have to make a custom papier mache form...
oh my, Foolish One. Not to change the subject, BUT, MDA is coming home for Easter. See? This is why she's the favorite of the household; because she never forgets us. I just went to Costco and bought 5 dozen roses, 2 braided stem azalea topiares, two dozen orange tulips and two chocolate orchids. Think that'll decorate the house apropriately?
Oh. My. God. That giant rabbit duck hybrid is HORRIFYING!!!! I LOVE IT!!
Busy Shmizzy! Yeah, I'm too busy running around buying shoes! HA! But seriously, as soon as I saw the rabbits on the ladder, I thought of the Italian santas...It's my new obsession--see if you can go back and steal those rabbits for me. (also a reason for not posting? not that easy with one good hand and two usable fingers on the other hand--just typing this took 10 minutes! hahaha)
((JBelle)) hey, I was just wondering if you ever had anyone famous buy something off ya on Ebay? ...... no? what no one? famous I mean? ya sure? ....... oh, ok :) xxxxxxxx giggling
big deep breath. Get the hell outta here Mel!
Boo saw one of those blow up bunnies in the front yard of the esteemed mayor of Post Falls and told me, "Mom, that's not the real Easter bunny." Ya think? Then he asked me why the Mayor still had two evergreen holiday reindeer grazing in his front flowerbed. Heck if I know.
Those holiday blow-up dolls seem like an invitation for teenage boys with BB guns to me.
we had a big ordel here this Christmas when a fellows blow-up Christmas elmo was stolen. They found it on the Rez and it was returned. I drove by hi house today and he still had all of that crap up. Of course it does still look like the holiday season here. The kids will be in their parkas looking for eggs.
The thumbs up was unexpected and well.. appreciated. Thank you.
I posted a few pictures on my blog, of an English friends garden. Thought you (particularly) might enjoy them.
(((((((((((((JBelle)))))))))))))))) HAPPY EASTER
AND the postman came this morning when wendy was on the phone....... and then a van came about 10 minutes ago with a parcel from you........ and now you have me in tears.....and I mean proper tears.... and I cant stop.... gawds sake........
you know Boo can spot the bullshit in a second. got a reporter's eye, actually. and I wish you'd get a different job so I could spoil your children with candy and Easter bunnies of my own, T!
burdockboy::: I think the folks on the Rez have the real fun. I always catch the buzz when I am driving through and would love to be invited in for a beer. never happened, though. sigh. Parkas and eggs. Sounds like a poem, doesn't it?
hi Starr, didn't know my thumb went up on your behalf but glad it did. hope you are well and thriving as a prominent alum of Harvard of the Palouse. :) Happy Easter.
Mel, did you get the matches? they are for the fires in the fireplace. the pine cones are for me. my favorite. more than roses. but it's because I come from the pine trees and rivers of North Idaho. they are my true and real love which I send to you on this beautiful spring day, as always.
Toadster, Joe Montana is combing the paper for your baby's notice as we speak. He got really excited when I told him you were naming her Belle. rrr. We think of you and hold onto your hat, say those Catholic prayers for you. Our friend Tim's father died this week and we are all pretty sad and missing Truman so we look forward to a new face in the circle. We can't wait.
Hello Sweet Alaska, the real truth is this: it's all commercial. every bit of it. all marketing. all grosses and nets. all shored up by banking and insurance and neatly packaged by accounting and legal. true. from my front lawn to the latest edition of Faulkner. So I am going to sit on the front porch this weekend, eat chocolate, talk to The Chows and watch MDA. That's my only defense.
*cough* fircones?matches?.... blank look......... you call the most amazing local cookbooks fircones and matches?...... blank stare..........
ah. you didn't get the other package yet. :) more to come.
The only Easter decorations in Eugene are front lawn signs for peace and impeach Bush and Buddhist prayer flags draped on trees. Holidays are a source of offense here in the land of mirthlessness. The pictures gave let me feel the carnival spirit so missing here unless you march in a parade as a yogart container.
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