And so it's Labor Day, again. A summer of mighty memories, yet it's the small moments that stack up as the most valuable: floating the north fork of the CdA, coffee in the morning sun, riding the Trail of the CdAs when the cottonwoods are blooming, Sandpoint on a Saturday afternoon, listening to the still of those hot, hot August nights. Came home to a note from a dear one who says he's pondering the meaning of life; I've been trying to figure out the meaning of life for 15 years but I don't think I'm any closer to understanding. But one thing I do notice, increasingly, is that life gets more beautiful with each day. I have always lived right here and I do not know when I have enjoyed the blue sky and the pine trees more. The waters of the rivers and lakes are deep and clear. But Pat Flammia died. My childhood gets farther and farther away as the exquisite landscape around me comes into finer and finer focus....
The 'Kan EWA
Like you.
PS I am not in possession of the "chirp" gene either...just prefer the real thang, darlin'...'specially when I know it is due. Cowboy up.
Would you look at the time! Why, it's 3am. I never do this. Ahhhh...vacation.
Bonjour, ma belle amie!
Maybe we're traveling towards our carefree childhood, filtering out the blindness of the beauty around (and within) us brought on by the busy-ness of adult life.
It IS the small moments that bring a grin as I prepare for my penultimate school year.
Thanks for the pause.
Tivish---Not so fast! Your penultimate school year? What? say more.
Curt---I'm thinking I need to walk more in my old neighborhood this fall. I'm gonna need courage!
cyn--I bet it was pretty in North Idaho this weekend....
psycho, psycho, psycho: Cowboy up. Say more. I want to hear it.
Penultimate sounds so much better than next-to-last...as Sylvan Culp said so often: "Specificity!"
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...I'll walk away from school in June of '08 roughly 50 years after starting 1st grade. Six hundred forty-five calendar days to go. Three hundred sixty school days.
This is year 33 as a teacher and Idaho follows the Rule of 90 (age + experience = 90) for full retirement (in '08 I'll be 56 with 34 years experience, thus a score of 90 and full retirement).
Not that I'm counting or looking forward to it. ;-)
Tivish! whoa! whoa! whoa! Penultimate indeed! You da man. YOU DA MAN.
Whew...this means I would've been born retired if my parents were Idahonons, Idahoians, Idahosters, Idahoskys, Ida...
floating the North Fork and dutch oven mac and cheese and pineapple upsidedown cake...now there's a memory of the summer of '06 that will withstand the years. Did I mention lots of laughs with someone who knew me when I had braces on my teeth and still loves me as a flawed but happy old broad?
You forgot to mention those brown eyes, full of compassion, love and wisdom. What's not to love?
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