There was a mighty ruckus and commotion out at Club Chow this morning; grabbed my camera and walked out there just in time to hear Pete giving some guy a piece of his mind. Pete was righteously cheesed. Turns out the guy was hired by the neighbors next door to decorate the house and shrubs with Christmas lights. On October 19? Now the folks who have the place next door, nice people, WSU graduates, Presbyterians, hardly ever irritate me at all. But here's my question this morning: can ya really claim to be a Christian person if yer hanging lights on yer place 67 days before Christmas??
The "Kan EWA
For real? I mean you are kidding, are you not?
Well, if that is the case, I am going to start my Christmas Column.
We're going with Frankenstein on the roof again this year, with pink fright lights and probably a few extras as we are giving a birthday party that night. Got any good Halloween recipes that are not for cookies or sweets?
Marthajo-----whaddya got for me???
Not sure how compassionate or nurturing I "am", but I felt a lot better after feeding the flock. I bring gentleness? Never saw myself that way. Hmmm...feel free to e-mail me anytime...cdadave83814@yahoo.com
Im lookin' -- Ever since I started takin' on Barbara -- I am slippin' in the the treats department. I will find something though, I have my sources -- be patient!
Okay -- here it is assuming you meant non-edible treats.
Halloween Toy Treats and Favors
If you meant healthy edible -- then I would do a marshmallow snack with bran and nuts. Use real butter!
Is this for children or adults? Big difference! The bran thing would be for the adults!
I am on it! I will fix the menu and post it because I can't imagine that this shindog we're hosting isn't a topic of utter fascination to everyone.
That is a very fine website! Martha should have found it!
So-- will theGreek Bloody Mary be served before or after the party?
I go with a Bloody Mary recipe these guys on the base gave me about oh my! 30 years ago. It's damn fine. Maybe I'll post it. Fact, I'm gonna go home and pour of those tonight.
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